Skoči na glavno vsebino

On Tuesday, 24th October some students of 7th , 8th and 9th  classes were invited to an English tea party. Mr Dennis and Mrs Gill Wraight along with the English teachers were expecting them in the home economics classroom, where Mrs Wraight had prepared a selection of delicious food and of course some tea.
The students and teachers were welcomed by Mr Wraight who told us some interesting stories
about the history of tea in Great Britain. Mrs Wraight taught us how to prepare proper
English tea and served traditional food, such as cucumber sandwiches, scones with butter and jam,
and cakes. The students and teachers would like to thank Mr and Mrs Wraight and we hope that
they will join us again.

Angleška čajanka
V torek, 24. oktobra, so bili nekateri učenci 7. 8. in 9. razreda povabljeni na angleško čajanko. Ga. Gill in g. Dennis
Wraight sta jih z učiteljicami angleščine pričakala v učilnici za gospodinjstvo, kjer je ga. Wraight
pripravila izvrstne prigrizke in seveda čaj. Učence in učiteljice je sprejel g. Wraight, ki nam je povedal
nekaj zanimivih zgodb o zgodovini čaja v Veliki Britaniji. Ga. Wraight nas je naučila, kako se pravilno
pripravi pravi angleški čaj in nam postregla s tradicionalnimi dobrotami, kot so sendviči s kumaricami,
čajni kolački z maslom in marmelado ter pecivo. Učenci in učiteljice se najlepše zahvaljujemo g. in
ge. Wraight in upamo, da se nam bosta še kdaj pridružila.

(Skupno 154 obiskov, današnjih obiskov 1)